Singing & Songwriting Cours
*A szöveg kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el. Minden tanár tud magyarul, azonban mivel az órák angolul zajlanak, el szeretnénk kerülni a félreértéseket, ezért a szöveg kizárólag azon a nyelven jelenik meg, amelyen az órák is zajlanak.
What we are going to learn?
For children from 7-16; Saturdays; 15:00 – 16:30
Láng Művelődési Ház, Budapest, Rozsnyay utca 3, 1139
We will learn songs that are appropriate for the age group covering children´s favourite hits. Singing in a group they learn teamwork and volume control, learning the difference between a soloist and the ensemble and that both have the same importance.
Skylar also teaches dance and Acro at DCA, have a look at the timetable here!

Dance, Singing & Songwriting Teacher
I’m a dance teacher with a deep passion for the arts. Growing up at Dance Craze Academy, owned by my mum, I had the unique opportunity to immerse myself in the world of performing arts from a young age. This inspired me not only to sing and perform but also to teach.
Following in my mother’s footsteps as a teacher, I’ve created my own syllabus focused on songwriting and music. I believe that music and songwriting significantly contribute to a child’s development, fostering skills like concentration, patience, and confidence. It also provides a safe space for self-expression, allowing children to channel their emotions into creative outlets.
I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned over the years with the next generation, introducing them to the transformative magic of singing and songwriting.